王者之聲 描述英國國王艾德華八世退位後,由弟弟喬治六世繼承王位。但喬治六世從小就有口吃問題,後來喬治六世求助於一位非正統的語言治療師萊諾治療, 慢慢的走出壓抑的過去, 影片最後, 喬治為第二次世界大戰發表演說,除了深深鼓舞了當時身陷戰火中的英國軍民外,他也創造了自己的自信.


這是一部很不錯的電影,整部電影中沒有太大的情節起伏,但卻深深的吸引我想將它看完,雖然結局如同一般電影結局一樣喬治很順利完成他的演說也得到大家的掌聲. 但過程中喬治的改變,卻也不令人讚嘆他的不愧是位令人敬佩的王者.  喬治從小就被一些禮儀規範所束縛, 漸漸他選擇不再發聲, 口吃應該是他對自己失望的表現吧, 漸漸的他認為生活就等於規則,所以當他發現萊諾並非正統的醫生時(不是他所認同的規則,因為真正的規則應是有頂尖的治療師),他拒絕了. 所幸喬治很快的看見自己的想法,並再接受萊諾. 喬治在就職前夕時,對萊諾說了一句話,  "Because I have a voice !" 那時喬治正是跨出了他可以自主的第一步. 這真是以 " 不規則" 來改變" 規則"的最佳例證吧.



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Not only love traveling, I love eating too. When I travel to different countries, I always love to try their local food or famous restaurants. Up to now the food that I love most is Thai food and French food. Today I am going to    tell a French restaurant in Singapore call “ Au Jardin,” which belong to Les Amis group. Les Amis is a very fam-ous French restaurant in the world. As usual, I always make the reservation before I go to restaurant. In order  to know the different between Au Jardin and Les Amis, I called to these two restaurants before I went to Sing-apore . These two restaurants’ mangers are very polite and explained very detail to me about their restaurants. After talking to them, I decided to choose Au Jardin because I like its location. I also check their website. Mayb-e next time, if I have chance, I will try Les Amis.

Au Jardin is located at Singapore Botanic Garden . The garden is quite big and Au Jardin is like a town house sur-rounding by the flowers and trees. Unlike Les Amis which located at roadside, Au Jardin choose a quiet place. When I step into Au Jardin, it made feel I am at home. The decoration of the restaurant is sweet and warm. It    looks simple but still can see many details in the restaurant. The restaurant very nicely arranged me a window   seat which located at second floor. This seat can see the nice view of the garden. The restaurant is very quiet    and only hears the bird’s sound. The sunshine irradiated on my table. At that moment, I felt many things behind. So, wonderful!

Of course the food is very nice. However, talked about Au Jardin, it always can’t forget to introduce its wine     collections. So, I believe the people who love taste wine, will enjoy this restaurant.


I always believe the nice trip come with the nice food. So, sometimes it is not bad to spoil ourselves a bit, isn’t it?


I was too enjoy and forgot to take the photo. But I believe, soon or later, I will go there because it was so worth  to go again.

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Hello, I am Julia. Welcome to my blog. I love traveling and reading. My dream is to travel around

the world and to eat many delicious food as much as I can.

I named this blog call  " Julia in Wonderland" is because I wish I can be like Alice who created an

beautiful wonderland.

Many of my friends love Taiwanese food a lot. So I decided to open an blog,  I wish I can introduce

many good food in Taiwan to them. That's why I write down " dessert in Taiwan" in English

(hahhah, please forgive my poor English). Anyway, wish they will not say I am not a Taiwanese

anymore. Thank you very much to visit my blog. If you have any suggestion, it is very weclome to

leave the message to me. Thank you again !! wish you have an wonderful day !!   


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